Pills for the soul? How medication falls short of Christ's healing of the emotions
Are pills and medication really God’s best for dealing with our emotional state? Should we simply accept the world’s wisdom that our emotions are controlled by chemicals in our brain and body? Should we believe that pills are the best way for treatment? Do anti-depressants reach the root of emotional crisis?
This well balanced book intelligently tackles these complex questions. It challenges the widely accepted practices of modern psychiatry in dealing with issues such as depression, mood swings and bi-polar disorders. These and other conditions that are alarmingly on the increase in our modern day, stress filled society.
In an age where reliance on medication has reached epic proportions, Pills for the Soul? demonstrates with powerful personal testimonies, scientific reasoning and theological argument that there is another way.
The author effectively debunks much of the so-called science that seeks to explain away our emotions and soul. Instead he points us back to the biblical understanding of our spirit, soul and body.
This compelling book does not condemn those who use psychiatric medicine. It sensitively guides those in deep need to the abundant way to freedom in emotional healing, which is through Jesus Christ.
Pages: 320
Weight: 0.435 kg
ISBN: 9781852404871
*"Parakletos" reminds that no Christian literature can replace the Bible, so each reader must evaluate the knowledge of each book purchased in the light of the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.Отзывы клиентов
Juris F., 29. апр. 2024
Zinātnes doktora rakstīta grāmata tā ka vairāk zinātnisks nevis Kristīgs saturs, tomēr autors, īsts Kristietis un raksta par zinātnes un zāļu nepilnīgumu un Jēzus pilnīgumu, ka Jēzus vislabāk spēj dziedināt dvēseli, pavadot laiku Jēzus tuvumā lūgšanā, tā arī ir dziedināšanas atslēga grāmatā. Tas tā pēc kādas stundas lasīšanas. Daudz praktisku piemēru par cilvēkiem, bet uzsvars likts tieši un dvēseles dziedināšanu un maz par nelabo garu izdzīšanu. Burtiski grāmatas virsraksts jau skaidri un patiesi paziņo par grāmatas saturu.