Trapped by control. How to find freedom
Control can be godly or ungodly, depending on whose authority is in place. It’s harmful to us when it undermines our freedom to choose what is right. For many of us, the Lordship of Jesus is continually being challenged by ungodly controls that come from people, past and present situations, and even from within ourselves – fear being one of the key issues.
The enemy is seductive and deceptive. His primary aim is to gain control through our sinful beliefs and behaviours. When control is not in the hands of God it’s in the hands of the kingdom of darkness.
Wrongful control spoils relationships and seriously damages lives. This book takes a closer look at how and why people control. Controlling behaviour is always a symptom of a deeper issue; it’s a sinful response to inner wounding and insecurity.
As God reveals the roots of control we can choose to forgive those who have hurt us and receive His comfort, His acceptance and His healing at a deep level. This book is therefore ideal for those who want to understand ungodly control in their own lives or in others and find the keys to walking in freedom.
This book is part of Sovereign Word’s ‘Truth & Freedom’ series based on the renowned teaching program from Ellel Ministries International.
*"Parakletos" reminds that no Christian literature can replace the Bible, so each reader must evaluate the knowledge of each book purchased in the light of the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.
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